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DEADLINE: 18 October

NACWA’s National Environmental Achievement Awards (NEAA) program acknowledges individuals and Member Agencies that continually strive to make a positive impact on the environment.  It is through its NEAA program, that NACWA recognize individuals and NACWA Member Agencies that have made outstanding contributions to environmental protection and the clean water community.

Categories for the NEAA Individual Achievement Awards include:

  • Distinguished Service
  • Environment
  • Public Service (Local & Federal)
  • Utility Leadership (updated eligibility and criteria

Categories for the NEAA Member Agency Achievement Awards include:

  • Community Leadership
  • Operations & Environmental Performance
  • Public Information & Education (E-Media, Educational Program, Printed Publication, or Video)
  • Public Service
  • Research & Technology
  • Watershed Collaboration
  • Workforce Development

View eligibility guidelines for the Member Agency and Individual award categories, plus application samples by using the menu above. Or download the complete pdf for reference.